15 days weather for all UK cities (London, Edinburg, Belfast, Manchester, etc..)*Weather Forecast England app gives 15 days weather forecast for all c
15 days weather for all UK cities (London, Edinburg, Belfast, Manchester, etc..)
*Weather Forecast England app gives 15 days weather forecast for all cities in United Kingdom. There are all cities for Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England.
*15 Days Weather Forecast England is more practical and less size than other weather apps in Google Play Store. The size is less than 1 MB.
*Weather Forecast England is a rare weather application, because of the capabilities for weather and temperature with 15 days period.
*Developer team tries to develop for high performance on all Android phones and tablets. Also, it has simple view and usage for people from all ages.
*For all screen sizes are supported. It can be used in below 5 inches, plus 5 inches Android phones, 7-inch-tablets, and 10-inch-tablets.
*Enjoyable time starts with installing Weather Forecast England to your Android devices. Just install it and plan your next 15-day-life. It will become the most comfortable weather app for United Kingdom with your opinions, advice, requests.
*Little weather images with explaining of weather give simple usage and easy to understand in small screens. (There are dozens of images for status like Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy weather, etc..)
**15 days weather forecast app for England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, requires to have internet access for using actual weather data.
**You can send your all reivews and thoughts for using the better of your weather app. All opinions are used for new developments and new versions.
**You can use "Save the City" button for shortcut of your city. When you save the city that you want to see its 15 days weather results, app will automatically show the 15 days weather for the city in next usages.
**Popular cities in 15 days weather forecast UK app;
(For England)
Birmingham weather forecast,
Cambridge weather forecast,
Liverpool weather,
London weather app,
Manchester 15 days weather,
Oxford 15 days weather,
Southampton 15 days weather,
(For Scotland)
Aberdeen 15 days weather forecast,
Edinburg weather forecast,
Glasgow weather for 15 days,
(For Wales)
Cardiff weather app,
(For Ireland)
Belfast weather forecast app 15 days,
Derry 15 days weather app...